The Secrets to Capturing A Successful Jumping Photo
1. Burst mode is your friend!
Many cameras nowadays have a function that allows multiple images to be captured in quick succession. This is perfect for capturing things in motion including jumping photos where the subject is moving (like heel-clicks, jumps and so on). This function often looks like overlapping rectangles on a camera. Check your camera’s manual to see if your camera is capable of “burst mode”. When you use burst mode, multiple images will be captured in sequence so go through the images and find the best jumping photo to share.
2: Auto-Focus prior to snapping the jumping photo
When taking a photo (not just a jumping photo, but any photo), if you press the shutter release button (the button you push to take the photo) SLIGHTLY (as in just enough so that you don’t actually take the photo), the camera should auto focus. This means that when you push down FULLY to take the photo, it won’t waste any time focusing (as it will already be in focus) and will snap the photo quicker. This is useful if you don’t have burst mode. So just before you take the jumping photo, slightly push to auto-focus and hold it there (don’t let go). Follow through by pushing the shutter all the way down to take the photo. TIP: when the camera is focused, a green little dot will usually appear on the screen, indicating it is ready for the “follow-through” of pushing down fully.
3. A Tripod and Self-Timer Can Surprise You
On your own or don’t have anyone to capture a jumping photo of you and your friends? Investing in a tripod is not a bad idea. Using a tripod goes hand in hand with using self-timer. You will have to look at the light that blinks on the camera body when the self-timer is on and count how many seconds it takes to snap the photo. Then, when you go to take the actual jumping photo, count down and get in the air just a second or two before you think your camera will take the photo (usually when you count down and get to “1” or “0”). You will probably have to do a few practice runs (or practice jumps) before you get the actual jumping photo. But this method of capturing your jumping photos can be a lot of fun at times as there is a surprise factor at the end!
4. Get a Head Start
If you run and then leap/jump in the air (like Super Mario), it tends to provide extra height
Keep in mind, each camera is different and has different functions and capabilities. Play around with your camera and do a few practice jumping photos to get comfortable and get the timing right of when to snap the jump! Have Fun!
If you have any other suggestions or tips that you would like to share about how to capture a successful jumping photo, e-mail them to Katerina (you will be credited)
1. Burst mode is your friend!
Many cameras nowadays have a function that allows multiple images to be captured in quick succession. This is perfect for capturing things in motion including jumping photos where the subject is moving (like heel-clicks, jumps and so on). This function often looks like overlapping rectangles on a camera. Check your camera’s manual to see if your camera is capable of “burst mode”. When you use burst mode, multiple images will be captured in sequence so go through the images and find the best jumping photo to share.
2: Auto-Focus prior to snapping the jumping photo
When taking a photo (not just a jumping photo, but any photo), if you press the shutter release button (the button you push to take the photo) SLIGHTLY (as in just enough so that you don’t actually take the photo), the camera should auto focus. This means that when you push down FULLY to take the photo, it won’t waste any time focusing (as it will already be in focus) and will snap the photo quicker. This is useful if you don’t have burst mode. So just before you take the jumping photo, slightly push to auto-focus and hold it there (don’t let go). Follow through by pushing the shutter all the way down to take the photo. TIP: when the camera is focused, a green little dot will usually appear on the screen, indicating it is ready for the “follow-through” of pushing down fully.
3. A Tripod and Self-Timer Can Surprise You
On your own or don’t have anyone to capture a jumping photo of you and your friends? Investing in a tripod is not a bad idea. Using a tripod goes hand in hand with using self-timer. You will have to look at the light that blinks on the camera body when the self-timer is on and count how many seconds it takes to snap the photo. Then, when you go to take the actual jumping photo, count down and get in the air just a second or two before you think your camera will take the photo (usually when you count down and get to “1” or “0”). You will probably have to do a few practice runs (or practice jumps) before you get the actual jumping photo. But this method of capturing your jumping photos can be a lot of fun at times as there is a surprise factor at the end!
4. Get a Head Start
If you run and then leap/jump in the air (like Super Mario), it tends to provide extra height
Keep in mind, each camera is different and has different functions and capabilities. Play around with your camera and do a few practice jumping photos to get comfortable and get the timing right of when to snap the jump! Have Fun!
If you have any other suggestions or tips that you would like to share about how to capture a successful jumping photo, e-mail them to Katerina (you will be credited)